Αγγλικά Γ' Λυκείου
- Λεπτομέρειες
- Κατηγορία: Γ' Λυκείου
- Τελευταία Ενημέρωση στις Δευτέρα, 07 Ιουλίου 2014 07:55
Task 1
1. Click here. Then,click the Start button below on the screen to begin. Choose the right sport.
2. Visit this link and choose the correct sports word. You can check the answer yourselves.
3. Click for a multi-choice activity on soccer words.
Good luck...
Let me remind you that all these activities can be, and partially will be, test / exam material.
So, please, make the best out of them.
See you in class!
Task 2
Click on the following links to practise some sports equipment vocabulary:
1. Match the definitions with the equipment.
2. Choose the best word/phrase to complete the gap
Click on the link and practise the Reported Speech. You can check your mistakes on-line.
Make learning fun and take control.
Task 3
1. affirmative
3. questions
4. questions 2
5. orders (positive imperative)
6. orders (negative imperative)
7. orders (mixed imperative)
If anyone feels that (s)he needs extra practise, feel free to ask me.
(επιμέλεια υλικού για έτος 2011-2012: Ζυμάρας Αργύριος)